0.9ppl (1 euro cent) further milk price increase for all Arla members – from 1st January
Posted on: 21/12/21
This includes a positive quarterly currency exchange rate adjustment 0.01ppl
This latest increase results in the following standard litre price and is a 0.9ppl increase for both organic and conventional supplies.
Conventional Organic
Manufacturing Standard Litre 37.58ppl 45.03ppl
Liquid Standard Litre 36.14ppl 43.31ppl
In the Arla press release it states “The value of producing milk is increasing like never before with these costs and those of ensuring a sustainable future for dairy and it can no longer be treated like a basic commodity” Graham Wilkinson, Arla Foods.
Very carefully chosen words some other processors are advised to digest. Four milk processors, one cheese, one broker and two liquid, are dragging their heels and a number of their farmers and contacting Ian asking where they can move to, they are certainly risking their future supplies. Of the four unnamed processors not one would get even a minute’s consideration from Ian as a long-term processor assuming they all remain in business.
Two are buying spot milk at 50p which means less money for the core loyal farmers.