Arla member price is stand on at 37.58ppl & 45.03ppl for February

Posted on: 24/01/22

Arla’s member price for both conventional & organic suppliers will hold for February at its January level

Standard Litre        Conventional     Organic

Manufacturing      37.58ppl            45.03ppl

Liquid                         36.14ppl            43.31ppl


As part of its market overview Arla highlights the global decline in milk production with the key influencing factor remaining escalating on farm costs


The EU28 milk intake                      down 1% in November

The USA milk intake                        down 0.4% in November

New Zealand milk intake               down 1.5% in November

Australia                                              down 0.8% in November


Meanwhile EU prices for SMP, cheese, butter and WMP all continued to head North in December.