Muller Tesco farmers are now examining the smallprint

Posted on: 28/07/22

There is serious unrest in the aligned camp and the latest fact doing the rounds relates to the illogical change on how volume bonuses are calculated.

When the TSDG was conceived the volume bonus paid to prodcuers was based on the total volume collected from each farm on the one pickup.


The deal Muller Tesco farmers are on today  is that a volume bonus is paid on the litres taken by Tesco (this month at a liquid standard litre price of 46ppl) and a separate calculation is made for the scale back litres which Muller use (this month at a liquid standard litre price of 45ppl note  no 1ppl Muller Advantage Premium). So in terms of volume Bonuses they are treat  the two volumes separately which reduces the ppl both Tesco and Muller pay because it reduces the total qualifying litres in a band.

One collection and one volume bonus table/calculation seems sensible, fair and logical to ensure  the prodcuers receive the full volume bonus they believe they are entitled to.