Lanchester Dairies in the firing line as they announce a drop to 48ppl
Posted on: 14/09/22
Middle Ground liquid processors Lanchester Dairies rarely disappoint its farmer suppliers when it comes to controversy and disappointment as witnessed over several years in this websites postings.
Its farmers have been very quick to contact Ian with the announcement that the current liquid standard litre price of 49ppl will drop to 48ppl from October 1st.
It comes at a time when several liquid processors are now talking about the possibility of marginal increases potentially in the pipeline to get some closer to the magical 50ppl.
As one Lanchester supplier commented to Ian
"Lanchester Dairies have done it again one of the first to reduce to 48ppl from October 1st having paid close to the lowest liquid milk price at only 45ppl in August.”
Two other Lanchester producers believe the very brief, one month, 49ppl price was in a bid to sign up new producers which allegedly Lanchester urgently require in order to secure the supplies they require.