Stand on Milk Price for Saputo (AKA Dairy Crest) Davidstow producers for December is a ballsy move by Saputo which could cost them producers

Posted on: 28/10/22

Saputo have dealt another surprise blow to their loyal producers with todays announcement that it will hold its milk price of 47.73ppl based on a liquid standard litre and 49.50ppl based on a manufacturing standard litre until 1st January. 

Saputo have announced  a floor price at this level until March 1st however this was not agreed with DCD consequently has not been recognised in their latest Member Newsletter.

This puts Britains No.1 cheese manufacturer firmly in the relegation zone paying the lowest price of all major milk buyers.

It means the producer organisation DCD has reached deadlock meaning disgruntled producers can, according to Ian’s recollection, leave under 3 months notice instead of the contracted 12.

The current Saputo farmgate price has not moved since 1st September whilst others have moved up.

You can hear the fast cars from competitor processors heading down the A30 to Cornwall already.