Dairy Industry News and Features

Our Weekly News Bulletin is available by email. To receive it please email info@ipmsltd.co.uk.

Note, all standard litre prices are those quoted by www.milkprices.com and are based on the following:
The liquid standard litre 4% bf, 3.3% protein, 30,000/ml Bactoscans, 200,000/ml SCC, 1 million litres a year on EODC but before seasonality, monthly profile payments, balancing, B price additions, capital retentions or annual incentive schemes. The manufacturing standard litre is to exactly the same specification with the exception of 4.2%bf and 3.4% protein.

Remember this bulletin continues to be available free of charge and takes the team at Ian Potter Associates considerable time to produce. The only encouragement to keep producing it is a combination of enthusiasm, tag sales & enquiries from our readers.  All views expressed in this bulletin are those of Ian Potter Associates and a shed load of dairy farmers.  It is necessarily short and cannot deal with various issues that arise in any detail.  As a result it must not be relied on as giving sufficient advice in any specific case.  Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the content but neither Ian Potter Associates nor Lydia Clare personally can accept any liability for any errors or omissions.  Professional advice must always be taken before any decision is reached.  For our privacy policy please click here.

2.03ppl milk price reduction for suppliers to Freshways

According to www.milkprices.com the 2.03ppl reduction is split into two parts with a 0.972ppl reduction for December deliveries and a further 1.058ppl for January deliveries based on Freshways basket tracker. The reductions result in a standard liquid litre milk price of 27.77ppl on January 1st and 28.83ppl based on a standard manufacturing litre.

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1ppl milk price reduction for suppliers to Barbers (Cheese) – from 1st January

This results in a standard manufacturing litre milk price of 29.65ppl and 28.59ppl based on a standard liquid litre price.

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Belton (cheese) acquires Wrexham based Bridgehead Food Partners cheese packing

Belton have purchased the cheese packing equipment for an undisclosed sum from the liquidators.  Note Bridgehead previously packed cheese for Belton thus this deal safe guard’s continuity of Belton’s cheese packing needs.

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New Zealand culls 100,000 Cattle cows

New Zealand has already culled 50,000 cattle in a bid to eradicate Mycoplasma bovis and a further 50,000 are estimated to be in the pipeline still to be slaughtered.  New Zealands aim is to be the first country in the world to completely eradicate the disease from 1,000 infected farms. Mycoplasma bovis disease was first detected in New Zealand in July 2017 and the slaughter programme will certainly dent New Zealands milk output.

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The outlook for milk prices in 2019

All the signs point towards more than a glimmer of hope that farmgate milk prices might just be on the brink of stabilising. Futures prices are now posting small daily and weekly positive increases.  In addition Intervention stocks of (aged) SMP are now reduced to only 100,000 tonnes from the 380,000 tonnes over hang in store only 9 months ago in March 2018.

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GDT auction clocks up its third consecutive increase

Wednesdays first 2019 GDT Auction saw the average price up a further 2.8% which followed two previous auction increases of 1.7% and 2.2%. Since the recent low point off US $2727 tonne recorded on the 20th November the average has risen almost 10% to reach US$2826 tonne this week. In addition behind the numbers is the encouraging statistic that all product categories on offer recorded increases in their average sale price.

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Pattemores Dairy (liquid) stand on for February

The Pattemore standard liquid litre price remains at 28.5ppl and based on a manufacturing standard litre 29.45ppl.

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Meadow Foods

At the time of going to print Meadow have yet to declare their February milk price but given their previous track record as markets bottom out the smart money will be on them standing on at 27.5ppl for a standard liquid litre in February.

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Glanbia (cheese) stand on again for February

Glanbia are one of the few milk producers who have held suppliers manufacturing standard litre milk prices at 29ppl for both January and February.  The equivalent standard liquid litre price remains at 27.99ppl.

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Grahams Dairies (liquid) stand on for February

The Grahams standard liquid litre price remains at 27.5ppl.

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YEW TREE DAIRY (AKA Woodcocks) stand on for February

The Yew Tree standard liquid litre price remains at 27.5ppl.

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Pensworth Dairies (liquid) stand on for February

The Pensworth standard liquid litre price remains at 27.6ppl.

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