Dairy Bulletin News Archive

Meadow Foods is in acquisition mode

Meadow Foods who handle over 650 million litres of milk annually have acquired Roil Foods Limited of Wrexham, who manufacture a range of dairy based oils, which are new products to the Meadow dairy ingredients portfolio.  Clearly the new Meadow appear to be in acquisition mode.

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Government’s Consultation on “The Future for Food, Farming and the Environment” is now live

For further details log onto ‘Health and Harmony: the future for food, farming and the environment in a Green Brexit’.  .  This is the key document on the future thoughts as to the direct and shape of the post Brexit.  Responses need to be received by 8th May. Tomas Pietrangeli, Managing Director of Arla Foods UK, commented: “Today’s announcement provides welcome clarity for our farmer owners as to how the Government sees the future of agriculture in this country.

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2.16ppl milk price drop for Arla members is a blow

Whilst most people who study and understand the dairy markets expected a 1.5 to 2 Euro Cents Arla member price drop for March no one anticipated a whopping 2.5 Euro Cents, which converts to an eye watering 2.16ppl manufacturing member price drop.  Note, Arla’s organic milk price remains unchanged. This reduction results in a liquid standard litre price of only 26.

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1.25ppl milk price reduction for First Milk producers – from 1st March

This reduction results in the following standard litre prices:   Liquid Manufacturing Lake District 27.19ppl 28.2ppl Midlands & East Wales 27.15ppl   Scotland 26.84ppl   Haverfordwest 27.31ppl 28.32ppl (excluding the Tesco Cheese bonus)    

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1ppl milk price reduction for suppliers to Grahams Dairies (Scotland) – from 1st March

This takes producers’ standard liquid litre milk price to 28.25ppl

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GDT auction is a mixed bag

Recent gains in the fortnightly GDT auction were brought to a grinding stop this week as the average index fell 0.5% to US$3623 tonne. Notable prices were: Butter               up 1.1% to average US$5334 tonne WMP                up 0.3% to average US$3246 tonne Cheddar            down 1.3% to average US$3686 tonne SMP                 down 3.0% to average U

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The outlook

Firstly, let’s not forget Arla’s milk price is a European milk price and is impacted by several different dynamics to the UK price. This means others do not have to follow Arla’s move just because they can in a downward spiral race to the bottom. Whilst the NFU’s Chief Dairy Advisor and others have had several pops at two industry commentators forecasts (namely, Walkland and yours truly) over our price predictions going back to November, they are now looking remarkably accurate.

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NFU AGM & Conference

Congratulations to Minette Batters who is the first female President of the NFU and she certainly takes to the reins at a very challenging and important time for UK agriculture.  Along with her new Vice President, Stuart Roberts and re-elected Guy Smith as Deputy President, they will certainly be kept very busy and have to hit the ground running. This year’s NFU Conference saw a record attendance of 1560 delegates and whilst it was a bit of a gamble at the time, credit for the move to the ICC goes to the then NFU Vice President, Gwyn Jones.

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1.5ppl milk price reduction for suppliers to Wyke Farming (cheese) from 1st March

This takes producers’ standard manufacturing litre price to 29.66ppl and based on a standard liquid litre to 28.65ppl.

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RABDF submits an inquiry to the EFRA committee

Following its research into the labour situation on more than 1000 British dairy farms, carried out by yours truly Ian Potter Marketing Services, the RABDF has made a submission to the EFRA Committee (Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee). From the survey 17% of dairy units have foreign workers as part of their workforce and the evidence points to a “potential cliff edge labour shortage facing dairy farms” in the post Brexit world.

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1.25ppl milk price reduction for supplies to Meadow Foods – from 1st March (PRODUCER NOTIFIED)

The decrease takes producers’ standard liquid litre price down to 27.75ppl (www.milkprices.com) In addition, Meadow Foods B milk price paid for December deliveries was 23ppl.

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1.25ppl milk price reduction for suppliers to Wensleydale Creamery – from 1st February

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